Friday, January 28, 2011

We told you to shut up already Randy Levine!

Some of you may remember some months back when New York Yankees president told the Brewers GM to 'stop whining' because the Yankees were revenue sharing with the teams with much lesser revenue. You might remember Shots Heard rebuking Randy Levine's condescension; when he pretended that baseball's revenue sharing system put teams on equal ground and thereby justifyied his talking down to other general managers that would have the audacity to complain about that reality.

Randy Levine took his condescension to another level when he taunted the Texas Rangers owner, Chuck Greenberg. Levine told him to keep his team off of 'welfare' (Read the back story here; the sour grapes resulting  from both teams failed pursuits of free agent, Cliff Lee.).

Shots Heard told you to shut up already Randy Levine. So shut your mouth and keep it shut. Your snobbery only highlights an open sore in MLB. The Yankees are allowed to buy themselves a virtual All-Star team every year (something close to it anyways) while other teams get hosed. So this problem exists and Randy Levine thinks we're supposed to be cool with him being a snob and mocking other teams on welfare? Shut your hole Randy Levine. Shots Heard hopes you get canned and you can know what it's like to be on 'welfare' (Not that it would really happen that way with your inevitable exorbitant executive severance package). There is no need for Randy Levine's attitude in sports or life.

Picture: Randy Levine - 'Did I mention that premier seats will be $3,000 a seat? Oh wait, people won't pay that? Okay, half off because I'm a nice guy. It's still $1,500 a seat though. I just don't get why other teams don't charge that and get off of welfare? What are they stupid?' (Satirical Comment)

Shots Heard would give Randy Levine a nickname, but Fat Bastard is already taken.

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