Saturday, June 6, 2015

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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

obat herbal

Obat herbal
Posted By  Category Informasi, Obat Tradisional -- belajar membuat artikel onpage
PEmbahasan tentang Obat herbal ini begitu tepat untuk mengisi website happyhangengday ini. Alternatif sendiri pemilik website ini yang nama Alternatif ialah happyhangengday akan memberikan ulasan yang semoga bisa bermanfaat dan menarik untuk tanaman pengobatan mengenai Obat dan Juga Herbal. sebelum ke topik utama tentang obat ini . Alternatif ingin bertanya kepada tanaman pengobatan semuanya . tanaman pengobatan Obat ? Menurut Alternatif, Mayoritas semuanya Obat ya . Betul! Bila tanaman pengobatan seorang Obat , tanaman pengobatan harus dan wajib mengetahui hak dan kewajiban seorang Obat, agar menjadi obat herbal didalam hal yang berkaitan dengan pembelian apapun itu . Alternatif adalah seorang Obat, yang masih belajar juga tentang menjadi Obat yang tradisonal . terkadang salah atau lupa banyak kita abaikan bila kita sedang membeli sebuah produk tanpa melihat kelengkapan di dalamnya . untuk menjadi Obat Tradisional , sebenarnya cukup simple saja . Seorang Obat yang Alami di dalam hal apapun, di dalam melakukan transaksi pembelian bisa setiap saat untuk meneliti kelengkapan dan juga mengerti tentang hak dan kewajiban seorang obat. dan di artikel ini, Alternatif tidak akan membahas hak dan kewajiban Obat, karena sudah alternatifulas total di artikel alternatifyang lain di website alternatifini tentang Hak dan Kewajiban Obat  . Dan silahkan lihat tentang Hak dan Kewajiban obat tersebut atau tanaman pengobatan bisa lihat di link  .
Kemudian untuk menjadi obat herbal memang sangat simple dan tepat caranya , dan di bawah ini ada hal  - hal yang harus tanaman pengobatan ketahui, berikut hal – hal penting tersebut yang bisa tanaman pengobatan jadikan pedoman tentang bagaimana tanaman pengobatan menjadi obat yang alami:

        Harus Meneliti terlebih dahulu sebelum tanaman pengobatan membeli barang tersebut.
        Memperhatikan Label barang produksi tersebut.
        Memperhatikan Kartu Garansi dan juga Buku manual dan lihat pula tanggal Kadaluarsanya .
        Lalu yang terakhir ini harus tanaman pengobatan tahu, yaitu harus memenuhi Standar Mutu K3L (kesehatan, keamanan dan keselamatan )
        dan ada tambahan lagi dari saya, belilah yang seperlunya saja.

Menurut alternatifitu yang harus di perhatikan untuk menjadi obat tradisional. cukup simple dan praktis untuk menjadi obat yang alami. Oh ya , alternatif bisa menuliskan tentang menjadi obat yang alami tersebut di atas, alternatifmemiliki referensi dari sumber aslinya di ……….  . itu merupakan situs resmi  perlindungan Obat  , dan tentunya bisa memantapkan hati tanaman pengobatan untuk menjadi obat yang herbal .
  ,sampai saat ini telah meningkatkan pengawasan terhadap barang non-pangan maupun barang pangan. pengawasan yang di lakukan tidak semata - mata cepat begitu saja , tetapi juga melalui proses dari hari ke hari. dan untuk barang yang juga di lakukan pengawasan oleh  , contohnya barang pangan seperti , buah – buahan, Snack, lalu ada lagi yang namanya yaitu sayur mayur dan masih banyak lagi yang lainya.
Dan tidak hanya itu saja  melakukan pengawasan. dan untuk barang non-pangan, seperti barang yang tidak bisa di makan , tetapi hanya bisa untuk di gunakan, di nikmati dan juga di manfaatkan ( Elektronik ,suku cadang kendaraan dan lain sebagainya ) . untuk gambarnya alternatifsajikan di bawah ini, barang ini merupakan barang yang belum memenuhi persyaratan SNI . lalu Mengapa   meningkat pengawasan ke barang - barang yang non pangan juga ? karena , zaman yang sekarang makin tidak tentu ini, membuat sebagian pebisnis melakukan hal - hal yang kurang bijak dan tentunya untuk kepentingan dirinya sendiri. dan tanpa memikirkan kepentingan para pemakai atau obat  . dan ini yang sepertinya cenderung banyak di rasakan oleh para obat  . akhirnya terjadilah hal - hal yang tidak di inginkan. dan ingat juga ya, tidak semua pebisnis melakukan hal seperti itu. dan bila di perbandingkan itu hanya 1 : 1000 pebisnis yang melakukan hal tersebut. itu perbandingn menurut saya.
Ya memang terlihat banyak yang kurang memenuhi persyaratan SNI bila kita cermati dan teliti. maka dari itu , kita harus lebih berhati - hati lagi. dan Sehubungan dengan itu semua, Dirjen Standardisasi dan Perlindungan Obat   dengan website resmi di   Nus Nuzulia Ishak mengatakan juga sama . bahwa Menurutnya, peran pengawasan pemerintah dalam mengatur barang beredar dan jasa senantiasa dilakukan agar kualitas perlindungan obat   meningkat . Dan ini yang alternatifsukai dari   yang serius di dalam perlindungan obat   . karena di samping itu juga, bahwa Perlindungan Obat   ini juga di Lindungi Hukum dan juga ada UU tentang Perlindungan Obat   ). dan tanaman pengobatan perlu tahu juga bahwa setiap tahunnya ada traffik peningkatan barang produksi yang beredar di indonesia dan itu kurang memenuhi Standar Nasional Indonesia . Dan ini telah tercatat bahwa pada tahun 2011 dulu ada banyak barang yang kurang memenuhi persyaratan SNI. lalu dari ini semua , kita harus lebih teliti dan lebih memahami tentang keadaan barang tersebut yang di tinjau dari segi kualitas , kuantitas dan juga labelnya,kartu garansi dan juga ingat! jangan tergoda dengan harga diskon dan murah meriah. bila tanaman pengobatan beli harga diskon pastikan juga untuk melihat kelengkapannya. oh ya, ini ada beberapa hal lagi yang harus tanaman pengobatan ketahui bahwa pada tahun 2012 kemarin setidaknya sudah ada 600an lebih barang/produk yang kurang memenuhi persyaratan SNI ( Standar Nasional Indonesia ) . dan ada laporan dari  , dan ini terjadi juga sangat signifikan di bulan November – Desember 2012 yang berkisar 100 lebih barang/produksi yang belum lolos verifikasi tentang ketentuan umum barang yang layak untuk obat  . Bila kita fikir – fikir dari tahun ke tahun semakin banyak peningkatan barang yang belum sesuai dengan standar di indonesia. Alternatifpribadi juga miris bila membaca telah ada barang yang tidak sesuai dengan standar nasional indonesia telah banyak beredar luar di masyarakat. Miris karena takut akan dampaknya terhadap diri kita bila kita memiliki barang di luar SNI / belum memenuhi pemakaian SNI.
obat herbal
obat  +alami+paham+perlindungan+obat  +4gambar di samping ini sebetulnya gambar apa ? dan berguna untuk apa ?  ya sudah , oke ,kita langsung masuk saja tentang gambar di sebelah ini. gambar tersebut merupakan timbangan yang berfungi untuk menimbang barang belanjaan tanaman pengobatan , dimana barang tanaman pengobatan tepat dan pas ketika tanaman pengobatan belanja / membeli sebuah barang . dan bila kurang pas , maka sangat kelihatan bila terjadi kecurangan. Dan untuk menggunakan alat itu, tanaman pengobatan di kenakan biaya 0. Alias gratis. dan menurut alternatifdeskripsi untuk gambar tersebut seperti itu .
Mudah dan Simple untuk menjadi obat   alami. maka dari itu Marilah kita bersama - sama menjadi obat   yang alami. dan sehubungan obat   alami ini, di negara kita ini Indonesia, ada yang namanya  Obat   Nasional   . yang di tetapkan tanggal  April dan ini melalui   . dan sebenarnya apa tujuannya ada Hari Obat   Nasional ini ? menurut alternatiftujuan utamanya sangat simple dan juga tepat yaitu Menjadikan dan tepatnya Menempatkan seorang Obat   untuk menjadi subjek untuk penentu kegitan ekonomi dan ini juga bisa berdampak baik kepada para pebisnis untuk menjadikan barang produksinya lebih baik dan lebih bagus lagi dan juga meningkatkan daya saing semakin bagus pada pebisnis indonesia .jadi para pebisnis di indonesia tidak hanya mementingkan dirinya sendiri untuk meraup keuntungan banyak,tetapi juga agar bisa mementingakn kepentingan umum untuk kemajuan bangsa kita ini. dan itu intinya yang bisa alternatifpetik pada tujuan dari Hari Obat   Nasional.
Sepertinya ulasan tentang obat herbal ini sudah cukup jelas, singkat dan padat, bila tanaman pengobatan ingin lebih lanjut tahu tentang informasi yang lainnya, tanaman pengobatan bisa kunjungi situs resmi Dirjen Standardisasi dan Perlindungan Obat   di   Alternatifberharap kepada tanaman pengobatan agar bisa dan lebih pintar untuk memilih menimbang dan juga memikirkan masa depan tanaman pengobatan bila tanaman pengobatan membeli barang, jangan lupakan hal - hal penting seperti di atas . dan jangan sampai terjadi hal – hal yang tidak di inginkan . sekian dari saya. Semoga ulasan artikel ini bisa bermanfaat untuk tanaman pengobatan semua. Terima kasih "SELAMAT  OBAT 2013" .

Saturday, November 26, 2011

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  • Features a 3.0 horsepower motor and lift-assist to easily fold
  • Includes grip pulse monitoring and a heart rate chest strap
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Friday, July 15, 2011

"Would You Let Casey Anthony Babysit Your Kids?"

Recently in the news, we had an example from the Casey Anthony case that highlights several principles within Statement Analysis.  As the Casey Chanel, All Casey, All the Time, continues its count-down clock, a question was posed to one of the attorneys on Casey Anthony's defense team that allows us to highlight Statement Analysis.  First, however, we begin with what makes for a reliable denial:

"I didn't do it."

The formula for reliability is simple and is found in short sentences, as those who did not "do it" deny without sensitivity.  The formula is:

1.  First Person Singular
2.  Past Tense
3.  Event Specific 

These 3 elements are found in reliable denials.  When any of the three is missing, the statement is deemed "unreliable."  This includes the following example:

In the death of a child:  "I would never harm that girl."   

This has first person singular, but has two elements missing:  
1.  "would" is future/conditional tense
2.  "harm" is soft or minimizing language.  She was not "harmed", she was murdered.  Even if he had said "I didn't harm..." we could not call it reliable.  (You have also noted the word "that" establishes distance from the child; which would be reasonable for a stranger accused, but not for a family member)

Pronouns establish reliability and commitment.  Here are 5 ways in which a subject will run away from commitment. 

1.  change to "we"
2.  2nd person   you
3.  Using the subject's own name
4.  passive language
5.  Dropped pronouns

We will discuss specific examples in future articles.  But for today:

What about repeated pronouns?

If pronouns establish commitment and ownership, what happens when someone repeats a pronoun?  

For today, let's look at the repeated "I" from a non-stuttering person.  We find that the question that provokes such a repetition indicates, by number:  

2, I's  shows increase in stress
3 "I's" shows  anxiety
4 or 5 is close to a personal nervous breakdown
6, 7  or more:  hospitalization likely.  This is rare and usually found in a homicide in which the subject knew his victim and had intense emotions towards.

Let's look at our example.

Celebrating Casey Anthony attorney, Dorothy Sims, full of warm hugs and comfort for Casey Anthony during the trial, was asked by Joy Beihar

"Would you let Casey Anthony babysit your kids?"

Her answer began with a pause, which allows the subject time to think.  This is an indication of sensitivity.  But then she began, 


and went on to avoid answering the question by stating her children were grown, and then upon redirection by the host, she used a gnostic-like answer of 'different' Casey Anthonys.

Firmly, she avoided answering the question:  Indicating sensitive question.  We often say "when the subject hasn't answered the question; the subject has answered the question.  Here, however, we not only have the sensitivity of the long pause, and of not answering the question, we have the pronoun, "I" repeated 3 times, indicating that the question itself provoked anxiety in the subject. 

She would not let Casey Anthony babysit her children.  

She did not want to deal with the stress of lying so she avoided the question (which is in context:  deceptive. It would have been honest to say "I don't want to answer it") but could not escape that strain of anxiety of such a thought:

The thought of Casey Anthony babysitting her children provoked anxiety in Dorothy Sims.   

She may have wanted to be deceptive, but the host as well as the commentators later, saw through her. 

This may indicate that she possesses a conscience that is not finally seared, but is aware that her efforts, even if just supporting the deceptive defense practices, has set a killer of a child free, and may pose a threat to children in society. 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Statement Analysis: Objective and Subjective Language

by Peter Hyatt

We have both subjective language and objective language before us for analysis as we seek to learn the truth from the subject's statement of reality.  The statement is not reality, but the subject's statement of reality.  B analyzing a statement, we can come closer to reality that what the subject wishes.

"I got up at 6AM, took a shower, and went to work."

We note several things from this statement:

1.  Editing process.  This means the subject has left out information.  Did he have coffee?  Better yet, did he put on clothes before he went to work?  Did he use a towel to dry himself off after the shower?  Editing is something we all do, otherwise we would never stop talking.  In fact, those who do less editing than others are often called "without a filter" or an incessant talker, and can test the patience of all.  By leaving out information, the subject spares us many details, therefore, the details most important to the subject are included.  Since the subject did not say he had coffee, we cannot say he had a coffee.  Since the subject did not say he is married, we cannot, from the statement, say that he is married.  In fact, if you, the analyst, know that he is married, in your analysis, you must stay within principle:  Do not say he is married unless he tells us.  Remember, we are not analyzing the subject, but his statement.  This leads us to an important principle:  What a subject leaves out of his statement is often vital information.  Here by not mentioning his wife, we would seek to learn more about his relationship.  (assuming knowledge of the case)

2.   Objective Language

When we look at subjective language, there are two exceptions to subjective language:
a.  Pronouns
b.  Time
Pronouns and Time are exempt from subjective language, meaning that they are universal and not part of the internal subjective, personal dictionary.

"I got up at 6AM..." begins with the pronoun, "I"

Pronouns are instinctive and often begin in children as early as 2 years of age (sometimes earlier) with some able to say "my" or "mine" or "me" with hand signals, even younger than 2 years of age.  "I" means "I" to all of us, and is objective.  Pronouns are exempt from education levels.
Time is also objective.  6AM is a time that appears on a clock, and is not subjective, nor changing.

3.  Subjective Language 
"I think that guy is so cool."   The word "cool" is an example of subjective language.  2000 years from now, scientists will explain, "in those days, certain people in society appeared to have a slightly lower body temperature, which was, apparently, a desirable trait."   Not likely any more than "she is hot" will be 'interpreted' as having run a fever.

But using this example, we do see the need to ask follow up questions of the subject to learn what the subject meant, if there is not more evidence in the statement.  President Clinton's famous "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinski..." is the now famous example.  Clinton had explained to Lewinski that "relations" meant intercourse, therefore, they did not have "sexual relations."  This clever sparring with words can be so strong within someone's emotions that they may even pass a polygraph.  A jailer once accused of having sex with an inmate passed a polygraph as he was asked, "did you touch her?"   "Did you have sex with her?" Yet, later confessed to having oral sex and said, "she had sex with me, I didn't have sex with her.  I didn't even touch her!"

George Anthony did not have a "romantic" relationship with River Cruz.  To him, this was "funny", though he was not laughing.  This is indicative that George Anthony did not consider his sexual relationship with River Cruz to be "romantic"; in fact, there are indications that George Anthony not only used her for sexual favors and for money, but held her in contempt.  When George said he didn't have a "romantic" relationship with her, we should believe him.

"I got up at 6AM..." is our original sample statement.  Since "I" is objective, and "6AM" is objective (that is, 6AM is the same to me as it is to you), what part of this is subjective, possibly in need of follow up questions?

Answer:  "got up" is subjective.

"Got up" doesn't sound objective but it is.  In fact, experience in enough interviews will tell you that "got up" means different things to different people.

If you say "I got up at 6AM" what do you do?  Here is what I have found:

1.  Some say "got up" meaning that they were literally out of bed, up quickly upon hearing the alarm.
2.  Some say "got up" means I woke up, put on the TV news, and laid in bed for another 15 minutes and then I...
3.  Some will say "got up" means the day started only after having coffee.

One study showed that people generally got up in one or two ways.  The first group, called the "A" group, shot out of bed as soon as the alarm went off.  In the study, these people were later more likely to die of a heart attack between the hours of 8AM and 10AM, than were group "B"

Group "B" were those who "got up" meant lingering with coffee, chat, news, etc, for between 10 and 30 minutes, therefore reducing the trauma of getting up too quickly.  They considered "getting up" a process in the morning.  Group "B" wasn't lazy; they just lived longer.

Relevancy of seeking to understand subjective language is to get to the truth.  If you heard George Anthony say that he did not have a "romantic" relationship (the language was chosen carefully) with River Cruz or you heard Bill Clinton say what he did, you can either accept it at face value, and be deceived, or press into truth.  We do not re-define nor interpret for the subject:  we seek clarity from them.

When President Clinton had to come clean and explain to Mrs. Clinton about his denial, it is likely that she did not agree with his definition of "sexual relations", judging by the black eye he showed up with outside the White House (he said he got it rough housing with Chelsea).

Seek to enter into the language of the subject, to grasp an understanding.  A skilled polygrapher will use the pre-polygraph interview to enter into the subject's language so that he may have to ask a child molester, not 'did you molest her'? but specific questions such as "Did you tickle her?" and so on.

Those that pass a polygraph having "done it" in the crime, are not supermen sociopaths who, via concentration, can control their breathing, blood pressure, pulse, and perspiration, a la the evil genius of Dr. Hannibal Lector.  They are just those who sat before a lazy or unskilled polygrapher who did not take the time to enter into the subjective, internal personal dictionary that each one of us has.

Next:  Pronouns and Running Away from Commitment  


Mother of Triplets Missing

Authorities Intensify Search for Missing Missouri Mother of Triplets

Published July 14, 2011
Authorities are intensifying their search for a missing Missouri mother of triplets whose car was found abandoned last month along a state highway in what police suspect may have been a scene staged to look like an abduction. 
Jacque Sue Waller, a 39-year-old mother of young triplets, was reported missing June 1 shortly after visiting with her estranged husband, James "Clay" Waller, at his home in Jackson, Mo.  
Waller had just attended the June 1 divorce hearing, according to police, and drove to her husband's home at around 4:00 p.m. to pick up her 5-year-old son, Maddox.
But the child was not at the home when Waller arrived and family members say they believe her husband, a former police officer, lured her to the home to kill her.
"It was just his bait to get her to the house so he could kill her," the woman's sister, Cheryl Brenneke, said in an interview with
Jackson Police Chief James Humphreys described Clay Waller as a "person of interest" in the case and said authorities uncovered potential evidence from his home, though Humphreys declined to elaborate on what was found. 
"He was the last person to see her and be with her," Humphreys told "We suspect foul play -- no question."
Clay Waller told investigators that he and his wife had an argument at his home before Jacque "walked away mad," according to Humphreys.
Police found Jacque Waller's car abandoned along Interstate 55 in Missouri the morning after she was reported missing. Waller's purse, keys and cellphone were not found inside the vehicle, and Humphreys said there has been no activity on her credit cards and phone since her disappearance.
Humphreys said the car – a Honda Pilot – was found with a flat tire. He said the tire is being analyzed to see whether it was intentionally made flat.
"We've not been able to eliminate him at all," Humphreys said of Waller. "And we don’t believe it was an abduction-type thing off the Interstate – it may have been made to appear that way."
The Jackson Police Department -- with the help of the FBI -- has scoured land and water in the surrounding area for any trace of Waller.
On Monday, a woman reported finding Jacque Waller's Blue Cross Blue Shield business cards along another state highway about 8 miles from where her car was recovered. Waller worked as a manager for the health insurance company.
Brenneke, who has custody of her sister's three children -- Maddox, Avery and Addison -- told that Clay Waller threatened to kill his wife if she filed for divorce and harassed her with repeated phone calls and text messages after she moved out of the couple's home in March.
"It was just non-stop calls and texts and showing up at her work every day," Brenneke said, adding that her sister never went to police because she feared he'd kill her if she did. 
"She just wanted out," Brenneke said of her sister, who had been staying with her at her home in St. Genevieve after the couple separated.  
Lt. David James of the Cape Girardeau County Sheriff's Department described Clay Waller as "less than cooperative." He said Jacque's business cards will be analyzed for fingerprints and kept as potential evidence. 
"She didn't walk away from her life," James told "She didn't just leave her triplets." 
A $3,500 reward is being offered for any information leading to Jacque Sue Waller's whereabouts. She is described as 5 feet 2 inches tall and weighing 135 pounds.  
Anyone with information on her disappearance is being urged to call the Jackson Police Department at 573-243-3151.

Read more:

Statement Analysis: Murderer of 9 Year Old Speaks

editing....Statement Analysis to follow.  check back this evening.  If anyone has more of his statement, please put it in the comments, careful to have precision....danke! 

"My name is Levi Aron... On Monday evening around 5:30 I went to my dentist, Dr. Sorcher, to make a payment for visit for exam routine.

A boy approached me on where the Judaica book store was. He was still there when went out from the dentist's office. He asked me for a ride to the Judaica book store. While on the way he changed his mind and wasn't sure where he wanted to go.

So I asked if he wanted to go for the ride -- wedding in Monsey -- since I didn't think I was going to stay for the whole thing since my back was hurting. He said ok.

Due to traffic, I got back around 11:30 p.m. so I brought him to my house thinking I'd bring him to his house the next day. He watched TV then fell asleep in the front room. I went to the middle room to sleep. That next morning, he was still sleeping when I was ready to leave.

So I woke him and told him I'll bring him to his house when I saw the flyers I panicked and was afraid. When I got home he was still there so I made him a tuna sandwich....

I was still in a panic ... and afraid to bring him home. That is when approximately I went for a towel to smother him in the side room. He fought back a little bit until eventually he stopped breathing. "