Thursday, May 19, 2011

Accused French Rapist IMF Resigns

First, he said he wasn't in the hotel at the time of the rape; he was dining with a relative.  It couldn't have been him. 

Then he heard about the video tape.  Uh oh.  He quickly changed his tune.

 He said it was consensual.  He said "it" was consensual, even though that pesky video showed her running out of his room.

Then his lawyer said that the accuser had a 59 million dollar lawsuit filed.

60% of Frenchmen said this was a set up.

Now he quits.

Three cheers for unintimidated NYC law enforcement in stopping the plane knowing that they would face the highest paid lawyers in the world, and political heat like never before.

Let's hope small law enforcement officials around the country are watching.

The lawyer invented the $59 million dollar suit out of thin air. This means he lied. There is no legal repurcussion for what he has done. He planted this in the mind of the public deliberately and apparently got the results from French citizens that he wanted: that this is some kind of conspiracy involving NYC police.


We can only imagine the threats prosecutors have heard from attorneys.  

If he speaks, we will post the analysis.  

Perhaps we will hear from his attorneys.  

Strauss-Kahn steps down as head of IMF, writes to board of his 'innocence'

Jailed sex crime suspect Dominique Strauss-Kahn resigned late last night as head of the IMF, saying he needed "all my strength, all my time, and all my energy to proving my innocence."
But the international moneyman sounded more like a home-sick tourist than an accused perv in handing in his resignation to the powerful global agency.
"I think at this time first of my wife — whom I love more than anything — of my children, of my family, of my friends," he wrote the board.

Note that he mentions his wife first.

"I think also of my colleagues at the [International Monetary] Fund; together we have accomplished such great things over the last three years and more."

It was his ego that got him in trouble:  someone dared to say the one word he was not used to hearing:  "NO"

"To all, I want to say that I deny with the greatest possible firmness all of the allegations that have been made against me."

Note that he wants to say that he denies...
Note "greatest possible firmness" is weak
Note that he does not say "I did not rape her", or "I did not have sex with her" or "I did not touch her"

 Calls had been getting more insistent for his resignation — and the bombshell was timed to land in the news just as his native France was waking up to the continuing nightmare of one of its highest-profile pols facing sickening sex charges.

Meanwhile, the indignities keep piling on for Strauss-Kahn.

Prison brass and the NYPD have an airtight plan to safeguard the jet-setting French moneyman by having him isolated, chained, shackled — and repeatedly strip-searched — before and after court appearances, including a bail hearing newly scheduled for today.

"He will be strip-searched when he leaves Rikers Island. He will be strip-searched when he arrives in court. He’s strip-searched when he leaves court, and he’s strip-searched when he gets back to Rikers,"

Note the sensitivity of repetition.  "strip searched" is repeated 4 times, rather than saying "he will be strip searched each time he is transported.  The emphasis of the sensitivity is plain. 

said Norman Seabrook, head of the correction officers union.

"When he arrives to the courthouse, he’s going to be put in an isolated cell away from other inmates," said Seabrook. "This is for fear that another inmate would try to kill him to make a name for himself."
Strauss-Kahn, 62, who is far more accustomed to luxury hotels, designer suits and first-class travel, will be cuffed and shackled when transported by ESU cops from his cramped 11-by-13 cell at Rikers and taken to Manhattan Supreme Court today.

Strauss-Kahn’s lawyers will ask Judge Michael Obus to spring him from Rikers, where he has been held without bail and on suicide watch since his arraignment on felony sex-assault charges Monday in the alleged sodomy and attempted rape of a 32-year-old maid at the Sofitel New York.
His legal team, headed by Benjamin Brafman, filed a bail application yesterday saying the aging lothario would agree to post $1 million cash bail and "be confined to home detention at an address in Manhattan 24 hours per day with electronic monitoring."

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