Saturday, July 9, 2011

Lawyers for Caylee Can File Wrongful Death Suit

It is time.

It is time for Caylee Marie Anthony's voice to be heard.

Lawyers have been given a bad name by the likes of Jose Baez, Cheney Mason, and others who come out of the woodwork for the free publicity and use lies and deception to "win" even at the destruction of justice.   A new word has entered into our vernacular as  a verb,  "baez."

"Oh, man, he totally pulled a baez on that one!"  
"Don't baez me, man, just tell it straight"

"During my questioning, the subject baez'd her way out of a direct answer, therefore..."

In the Casey Anthony trial, it was not Baez' intention to fall over himself as often as he did, fumbling cross after cross, but with all of his mistakes, he did manage to muddy the waters just enough to get mercenary jurors to shock the nation with "not guilty" verdict, with the deceptive attempt to mitigate national anger with "it made us sick to our stomachs."


So sick, in fact, that it will take $50,000 to make one feel better, and a trip to Disney World for another.

But it is unfair to paint all lawyers with the Johnnie Cochran brush.

Lawyers can band together and file a "wrongful death" suit, in the name and honor of Caylee Marie Anthony, in order to hold Casey responsible, just as Ron Goldman's family refused to go gentle into that bitter night of injustice.

Since Caylee's family lied repeatedly in order to pervert justice in her name, Caylee has no blood relatives to fight for her.  Casey deliberately lied about the father and in spite of nuts coming out of the woodwork to say "my son was in a state near Florida at that time and was thinking that he wanted to visit Florida so he must be the father", there are caring strangers who can donate their time and expertise to file this wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of Caylee Marie Anthony.

If you knew of such attorneys willing to do so, would you not donate to the cause?

I think most of us would do whatever we could.

Lawyers, redeem your name by pulling together and file a civil suit, a wrongful death suit, against Casey Anthony, in the death of Caylee.

Do for Caylee what the jury refused to do.

Do for Caylee what Cindy, George and Lee Anthony refused to do.

Good and decent attorneys, please help Caylee find the voice that Casey muzzled under duct tape, and who's voice Cindy, George and Lee silenced under their avalanche of lies.

It is our hope that the State of Florida will bring forth charges of perjury, and do so quickly, as public sentiment is in full bloom with righteous indignation as those who perverted justice in America now seek to profit from their obscenity.

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